

Children (anyone under 18 years of age) can participate as research subjects only if the research meets certain standards, 在联邦法规(《联邦法规》第45条第46款D部分). 具体地说, the research may not be greater than minimal risk unless it provides a direct benefit to the child.



的 review status depends on the anticipated level of risk to participants and is determined by the IRB chair.


研究 with children will usually be reviewed by the full IRB at a convened meeting. 的 完整的会议日程安排张贴在主页上.

  • 可能属于这一类的项目示例:
    • Asking children for their opinions or ideas about a topic that is not part of the standard curriculum
    • 用来研究儿童发展的游戏或测试
    • 研究 on topics that are not directly related to teaching and learning (e.g. sensitive social topics; social, emotional, or personal characteristics of the students ).
    • 查阅教育记录(e.g. 成绩、考试成绩、进度报告和纪律状况).


研究 involving children may qualify for an exempt review status if it:

  • 只涉及对公众行为的观察.e. 在公园里)
  • 包括正常的教育实践和课程


所有研究人员必须审查 澳门葡京博彩软件的儿童安全政策 and complete the required training prior to initiating research involving children.



任何研究人员希望在 澳门葡京博彩软件校园学院 should consult the 用户指南 (updated February 2019) for instructions on how to proceed.



联系 Graeham多德他是课程设计总监 & 学校的创新.


All research conducted at Campus School must be reviewed and 批准 by the school administration. Please follow the checklist below in order to have your research proposal considered for approval.

Important note regarding projects that are subject to IRB review: IRB办公室批准 不 保证学校管理部门的批准. 的 inverse is also true: Approval from Campus School administration 保证获得IRB办公室的批准.

提交您的IRB提案使用 Mentor IRB系统. If you have a specific teacher/classroom in mind, make sure you include this in your IRB proposal.

  • 校园学校课程设计主任 & 创新 will review your proposal to determine if the Campus School administration is willing to allow the study to take place. 如果学校批准你的研究计划, both you and the IRB Office will be notified that your project has been 批准 待审查委员会批准.
  • If your project is not 批准 by the Campus School administration, you will receive email notification from the director of curriculum design & 创新. 该项目不能在校园学校完成.

经学校批准后办理, IRB将对您的提案进行正式审查. 的 IRB will provide you with a final decision regarding whether your project may be undertaken.


如果你的项目得到了所有相关方的批准, please follow the steps below in order to mobilize your research:

  • Complete all required child safety trainings and background checks. 校园学校将为您提供有关要求的指导.
  • Campus School must have documentation of all completed trainings and cleared background checks.

课程设计总监 & 创新将帮助你协调你的学习. 这包括把你和老师联系起来, 发送回家并监督许可单的收集, 根据需要签出工作空间, and ensuring that the only children who participate in the research are those with permission from their parents/guardians.


Parents of children who attend the 澳门葡京博彩软件校园学院 are given the option of signing a “blanket” consent document for their child to participate in certain types of research that involve experimentation with the standard curriculum in normal education settings.

Parent Notification for Studies Covered by the Blanket 父母的同意 Form - 研究ers are required to send a letter home to parents notifying them of the study that is being conducted and offering to answer questions. 这封信必须在研究开始前寄出. This letter should state that the research has been 批准 by the 澳门葡京博彩软件 IRB and the Campus School Administration and that it falls under the blanket parental consent document that they signed at the beginning of the school year.

父母的同意 for Studies Not Covered by the Blanket 父母的同意 Form - 研究ers are required to request parental consent before interacting with the children. 请参阅下面的同意模板.


You will be expected to obtain a letter of support from the appropriate administrator at the school in which you plan to recruit participants. 的 letter should be on official letterhead and include two main components:

  • A statement that the person(s) have reviewed the study design and any interview/survey questions or games
  • A statement that they are empowered to allow this study to take place at the school, 取决于内部审查委员会的批准.


Written parental/guardian permission is required for studies involving children. 如果这项研究给孩子带来的风险大于最小, the IRB may require written permission from both parents/guardians.


一旦获得父母/监护人的许可, 必须得到孩子的同意或同意. 孩子的同意以同意书的形式记录下来, a child-friendly document that outlines the essential information about the research. Children who are able to read and write should participate in the consent process by using an assent form written in language especially for the child.


From age 7 and up, a child's written assent is needed (in addition to parental or guardian consent). 的 assent form should be written in a way the minor participant can understand. 的 researcher should use supplementary verbal explanations as needed.


适合6岁及以下的参与者, 研究者应该征得孩子的同意才能参与, 但不需要签名. 的 explanation to the child should contain elements of consent expressed in a way the child can understand. A conversational question/answer setting is often the most useful form of communication. 带着很小的孩子, 孩子不反抗的行为可能被理解为同意, but the researcher must use special care to discontinue the participation of any child who appears to experience undue stress from the research procedure.