
Applications to return to Smith must be submitted by 3月1日, 2024 to be considered to return to Smith in fall 2024.

的 学术 董事会 is responsible for overseeing the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 process. Requirements for return may vary depending on the reason for 撤军. For a description of the 学术 董事会 and rules regarding leaves, 撤军, 和《回到澳门葡京博彩软件》, please refer to the current 澳门葡京博彩软件 Catalog.

If you are a financial aid recipient contact Student Financial 服务 early in the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 process. 

If you need health clearance contact the Schacht Center for 健康 & 健康 early in the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 request. (健康检查是一个单独的过程,可能需要一些时间,因为您的医疗保健提供者必须与我们的医疗服务人员沟通.)  

回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Deadlines

日期 学期
11月1日 For the following spring semester
3月1日 For the following fall semester

Be sure we have your current email address and phone number. 回复澳门葡京博彩软件是通过电子邮件和电话进行管理的,我们需要能够联系到你.


从学院退学6年或以上的澳门葡京博彩软件学生必须通过招生办公室申请Ada Comstock奖学金.


春季学期截止日期为11月15日,秋季学期截止日期为2月15日. Smith requires the Common Application for Transfer noting the Ada Comstock Scholars Program; applicants must submit all required credentials, including an interview with an admission staff member, by the published deadlines.

的 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Process

首先检查你从澳门葡京博彩软件退学时收到的信,以确定你是否符合学校要求的条件 学术 董事会. If you need a copy of your 撤军 letter, please request it by emailing classdeans@philboardport.com.


  1. A complete 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Application which includes a personal statement. 联系 classdeans@philboardport.com 请求链接到“回归澳门葡京博彩软件申请”,并说明你是否请过病假. 
  2. Official transcripts for any credit earned if you studied while away.
  3. 批准 卫生服务 (如果需要的话).
  4. 批准 Student Financial 服务.
  5. A conversation with the appropriate class dean.

Submit your completed application. 正式成绩单应直接从机构通过电子邮件或U. S. mail before the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 deadline if possible. 打电话给班级院长办公室(413-585-4915)安排与班级院长的谈话.

Detailed 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Instructions

澳门葡京博彩软件申报表》由三部分组成:你目前的联系方式, 修过的课程清单(如果需要的话)和你希望获得的学分(如果你在离开的时候获得了学分), and a personal statement.

的 personal statement should include:

  • A brief explanation of the circumstances that led to your 撤军.
  • 简要描述一下你在大学学习之外的时间里都在做些什么, 工作, attending to health concerns, 志愿服务, 等.).
  • An abbreviated plan to manage your course 工作 upon your return. 
  • 一份简明的自我护理计划,在您返回澳门葡京博彩软件时(仅当您因健康原因退出时需要).
  • (If you are a junior or senior, or if you have changed your major) 一份学习计划,表明你将如何完成你的专业,并得到你的专业顾问的认可(顾问可以通过电子邮件批准你的计划到班级主任办公室)。. 如果你要换专业,你应该让你的课程计划得到新系主任的批准.

澳门葡京博彩软件拿走的任何课程必须预先批准转学分. (见 转移信用.) If you have completed course 工作 at another institution, list these courses on the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Form.


Office of the 类院长
College Hall Room 101
Northampton, MA 01063

If a student left the college on medical leave or 撤军, official medical clearance is required by the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Form deadline; the 学术 董事会 cannot consider an applicant without medical clearance. 学生必须提交一份简短的解释,说明导致医疗退出的情况,并确认在病假期间接受治疗和康复. 学生必须提交医疗专业人员出具的证明文件,作为体检合格证明. 该文件将说明该学生将能够参加学术严格的住宿机构,并制定保持身体健康的计划. 的 student will share a concise plan for self-care upon re-entry to Smith.

每一个之前注册的澳门葡京博彩软件学生被录取后都需要提交新的文件, updated health forms with 卫生服务.

拨打413-585-2806直接联系Schact健康与保健中心获取指导. You should initiate the process as soon as it is practical. 的 学术 如果需要,董事会将不会在没有健康许可的情况下完成你的返回澳门葡京博彩软件的请求.

Deadlines for 健康 Clearance
6月1日 For the fall semester
12月1日 For the spring semester



If you have access to Workday, check to see if you have a financial hold on your student account for any reason. If so, your account must be cleared by Student Financial 服务. If you do not have Workday access or you have questions, 您可以直接联系学生金融服务,电话:413-585-2530或 sfs@philboardport.com.

Financial 援助 (if applicable)

If you are a financial aid recipient, you should plan ahead and reapply for financial aid, regardless of your 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 status. Follow the 澳门葡京博彩软件 financial aid deadlines 在读学生.

Applying for financial aid does not imply that you have been approved to return. 强烈建议您在以下截止日期前完成财务援助申请:

Deadlines for Financial 援助
5月15日 For the fall semester
12月15日 For the spring semester

If your financial aid application is still incomplete by the 最后 截止日期如下所列,您返回澳门葡京博彩软件的请求可能会被拒绝或先前的批准被撤销.

8月15日 For the fall semester
1月4日 For the spring semester

如对财政援助申请过程有任何疑问,请致电413-585-2530或联系学生金融服务 sfs@philboardport.com.

After you have submitted your form with the appropriate supplemental materials, 你应该打电话给班级主任办公室413-585-4915,与相应的班级主任安排面对面或电话预约.

This conversation will give you a chance to discuss your academic plans, consider your options as you resume your studies, 并讨论与你成功返回澳门葡京博彩软件有关的任何其他问题.

After 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Approval

Once your 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 has been approved, 班级主任办公室会通知你,并要求你提交一张100美元的支票或汇票,抬头是澳门葡京博彩软件,并寄给注册办公室,以支付所有被批准的返校学生所需的一般押金. Until this deposit is received, 你不会被视为注册学生(你的住房不会被分配,你的经济援助也不会被计算在内).

Along with the general deposit, you must fill out the room assignment request for readmitted students. 的 form is required of all approved to return students, even those requesting permission to live off campus.

Coming Back to Smith

As an approved to return student, you are invited to participate in 面向事件.


You should arrange to meet with your adviser to discuss your course selections. 你的导师可以在学期开始前几周取消你的注册. 然而, 请注意,你的顾问不一定在校园,也不一定在课程开始前可以见面. 在学期开始前,你会收到注册办公室关于注册的信息. You will have the first two weeks of classes to add/drop courses online.

If you have a declared major, 你的系主任也将能够解除注册,以便能够注册. If you have not declared a major, 你的文科顾问和你的班级主任将能够帮助你解除限制,以便能够注册.
