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The Office of Disability Services (ODS) serves as a central point of information and coordination to ensure equal access and full participation for students with disabilities in all programs and activities at Smith College. Employee accommodations are coordinated by Human Resources.

Principles of Universal Design and Disability Justice guide us in our work as we strive to proactively identify and remove barriers to participation wherever possible. We also strive to promote a disability-positive and inclusive climate at Smith; such a climate recognizes each person's multiple identities and values all diverse perspectives which contribute to a rich living and learning environment. Smith's commitment to providing support and services is balanced with a humanistic and developmental approach that requires student engagement and responsibility in the accommodation process.

Sign language

Office Announcements

Office Renaming

An office name change is coming! During Summer of 2024, ODS will become the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC). This name was chosen after a number of focus group discussions with students, faculty, and staff all over campus. Thank you for your feedback and input. Stay tuned for more information!

Our Staff

Appointments are highly recommended, as our staff are not generally available right away other than during designated open hours. For current open hour schedules, please view the scheduler links below or contact the office. You are also welcome to email us directly if times in the scheduler links do not work for you. 

Contact Disability Services

College Hall 104
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
413-585-2071 or “disability services” in Gmail

Our office is generally open Monday–Friday. Please contact us for current hours, or to make an appointment.

Parking and Ramps
Accessible parking and a ramp with power-assist door are located at the rear of College Hall.